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Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Better BirdingSullivan, Brian L. / Armistead, George L.De Gruyter
2Do Elephants Have Knees?Ault, Charles R.De Gruyter
3Ecological GeneticsReal, LeslieDe Gruyter
4How the Vertebrate Brain Regulates BehaviorPfaff, DonaldDe Gruyter
5Life in the HimalayaPandit, Maharaj K.De Gruyter
6Herpetology: An Introductory Biology of Amphibians and ReptilesLaurie J. Vitt, George R. Zug, Janalee P. CaldwellElsevier
7The Molecular Biology of CancerHarris BuschElsevier
8Computational Epigenetics and Diseases, Volume 9Loo Keat WeiElsevier
9Oncogenomics (1st Edition) From Basic Research to Precision MedicineFranco Dammacco, Franco SilvestrisElsevier
10Introduction to Cancer MetastasisAamir AhmadElsevier
11DNA Repair in Cancer Therapy Molecular Targets and Clinical ApplicationsMark Kelley Melissa FishelElsevier
12Snakes of ItalyGabriele Achille; Franco Andreone; Massimo Capula; Stefano Maugeri; Franco Pedrotti; Marco A.L. Zuffi; EnricaFrullaSpringer
13Proteomics in Human ReproductionAshok Agarwal; Luna Samanta; Ricardo P. Bertolla; DamayanthiDurairajanayagam; Paula IntasquiSpringer
14A Practical Guide to Biomedical Research Peter Agger; Robert S. Stephenson; J. Michael HasenkamSpringer
15Gametogenesis, Early Embryo Development and Stem Cell DerivationTiziana A.L. Brevini; PENNAROSSA GEORGIASpringer
16Carcinoma dellacerviceuterinaFrancesco BroccoloSpringer
17Hematopoietic Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem CellsTao ChengSpringer
18Evolution Driven by Organismal BehaviorRuiDiogoSpringer
19Ecological Succession on Fallowed Shifting Cultivation FieldsClaudio O. Delang; Wing Man LiSpringer
20BatsJohan Eklöf; Jens RydellSpringer
21Biodiversity in Aquatic Systems and EnvironmentsNoboru Okuda; Katsutoshi Watanabe; Kayoko Fukumori; Shin-ichi Nakano; TakefumiNakazawaSpringer
22Sertoli Cell Metabolism and SpermatogenesisPedro F. Oliveira; Marco G. AlvesSpringer
23Beekeeping – From Science to PracticeRussell H. Vreeland; Diana SammataroSpringer
24DNA Replication - Damage from Environmental CarcinogensHuidong ZhangSpringer
25Hormonal Regulation of Fluid and ElectrolytesJohn R. Claybaugh; Charles E. WadeSpringer
26Saline LakesF.A. Comin; T.G. NorthcoteSpringer
27Development of Hormone ReceptorsG. CsabaSpringer
28Mosquito Vectors of Japanese Encephalitis Virus from Northern IndiaBinaPani DasSpringer
29Protein FoldingAlkaDwevediSpringer
30Common Infectious Diseases of Insects in CultureVladimir Gouli; Svetlana Gouli; Jose MarcelinoSpringer
31Tree Pollination Under Global Climate ChangeFernando Ramírez; Jose KallarackalSpringer
32Cell-Cell Interactions in the Release of Inflammatory MediatorsPatrick Y-K Wong; Charles N. SerhanSpringer
33A Textbook Of Economics ZoologySudhie Kumar Srivastava, Asutosh Kumar SrivastavaASAP
34Advanced Reproductive Biology in MammalsProf Ghulam Mohy-ud-Din WaniASAP
35Advances in BiotechnologyManjula K Saxena and B.B.S. KapoorASAP
36Advances in Resource Management of the Indian DesertB.B.S. Kapoor, Ali, Mathur, KaushikASAP
37Encyclopaedia of Amphibia Volume-1 (Amphibia of Past and Present)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
38Encyclopaedia of Amphibia Volume-2 (Regeneration in Amphibia)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
39Encyclopaedia of Amphibia Volume-3 (Amphibian Sex Organs)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
40Encyclopaedia Of Reptiles And AmphibiansVikas Singh KushwaASAP
41Encyclopaedia of Reptiles Volume-1 (Life of Reptiles)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
42Encyclopaedia of Reptiles Volume-2 (Ruling Reptiles)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
43Encyclopaedia of Reptiles Volume-3 (Modern Reptiles)Rajiv Tyagi, Arvind N. ShuklaASAP
44Wildlife Trafficking: A Crime against EnvironmetSiddhartha SarkarASAP
45Zoogeography of Indian AmphibiansS. K. TIWARIASAP
46Zoography ScienceM. S. JunejaASAP
47Zoo Animal Learning and TrainingMelfiWiley
48Genes and Behaviour - Beyond Nature- NurtureHoskenWiley
49Behavior of LizardsVincent L. Bels; Anthony P. RussellTaylor & Francis
50Snakes of the WorldJeff BoundyTaylor & Francis
51Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates: ReptilesNorris, DavidElsevier
52Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine (Sixth Edition)FowlerElsevier
53Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals (Second Edition)Fish, RichardElsevier
54Reptile Medicine and Surgery (Second Edition)MaderElsevier
55The Correspondence of Charles Darwin Vol.29Darwin et.alCUP
56Animal AnomaliesHeld, JrCUP
57Trees and Global WarmingManningCUP
58Making Sense of GenesKampourakisCUP
59Genomic, Proteomics, and Biotechnology:R C Sobti ; ManishiTaylor & Francis
60Environmental Studies and Climate Change:R C SobtiTaylor & Francis
61Biodiversity: Threats and ConservationRC SobtiTaylor & Francis

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