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Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Advanced Functional MaterialsElsevier
2Atomic and Molecular PhotoabsorptionJoseph BerkowitzElsevier
3Basic Physics of NanoscienceSchommers, Wolfram Elsevier
4Metallic NanoparticlesJohn BlackmanElsevier
5Optical Antennas Mario Agio; Andrea AlùCUP
6Theory of Reflectance and Emittance SpectroscopyHapkeCUP
7Mathematical Theory of Electricity and MagnetismJeansCUP
8Plasmonic Nanoelectronics and SensingLi/ChuCUP
9Electronic and Optical Properties of d-Band PerovskitesWolfram/EllialtiogluCUP
10Spectroscopy of Molecular Rotation in Gases and LiquidsBurshtein/TemkinCUP
11The Detection of Gravitational WavesBlairCUP
12Principles of Solar Cells, LEDs and Related Devices - The Role of the PN Junction 2eKitaiWiley
13Halide Perovskites - Photovoltaics, Light Emitting Devices, and BeyondSumWiley
14Semiconductor SpintronicsSchäpers, ThomasDe Gruyter
15Electrons in SolidsMorgenstern, Markus / Bluhm, Hendrik / Stampfer, Christoph / Plessen, Gero / Brückel, ThomasDe Gruyter
16An Introduction to Materials ScienceGonzález-Viñas, Wenceslao / Mancini, Héctor L.De Gruyter
17An Introduction to X-Ray Physics, Optics, and ApplicationsMacDonald, CarolynDe Gruyter
18Probing particle physics with neutrino telescopesPEREZ DE LOS HEROS CARLOSWorld Scientific
19Particles in the early universe: high-energy limit of the standard model from the contraction of its gauge groupGROMOV NIKOLAI AWorld Scientific
20Basic of transport and storage of radioactive materialsVOLZKE HOLGER ET ALWorld Scientific
21Physics of low dimensional materials, theOWENS FRANK JWorld Scientific
22Physical foundations of quantum electronics by david klyshkoCHEKHOVA MARIA ET ALWorld Scientific
23First-principles calculations in real-space formalism: electronic configurations and transport properties of nanostructuresHIROSE KIKUJI ET ALWorld Scientific
24Handbook series on semiconductor parameters, vol. 2: ternary and quaternary iii-v compoundsSHUR MICHAEL S ET ALWorld Scientific
25Electron transport phenomena in semiconductorsASKEROV B MWorld Scientific
26Atomic and Molecular SpectroscopyKakkarCUP
27Physics of Semiconduct or Devices 3rd EditionSzeWiley
28Statistical MechanicsFranz Schwabl; William D. BrewerSpringer
29Solid-State PhysicsHarald Ibach; Hans LüthSpringer
30LasersK. Thyagarajan; Ajoy GhatakSpringer
31Theoretical Nuclear PhysicsJ. M. Blatt; V. F. WeisskopfSpringer
32Principles of Quantum
R. ShankarSpringer
33Computer Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Using Wolfram System ModelerKirill
Rozhdestvensky et
34Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods in quantum field theoriesAnosh JosephSpringer
35Mathematical Methods for PhysicistsArfken, GeorgeElsevier
36Quantum DotsTartakovskiiCUP
37Advanced Gravitational Wave DetectorsBlair et alCUP
38Black Holes in Higher DimensionsHorowitzCUP
39Foundations of Perturbative QCDCollinsCUP
40Solid State PhysicsGrosso, GiuseppeElsevier
41Nonlinear OpticsRobert BoydElsevier
42Extrasolar Planets and Their Host StarsKaspar von Braun, Tabetha BoyajianSpringer
43Imaging the Messier Objects Remotely from Your LaptopLen AdamSpringer
44An Introductory Guide to Computational Methods for the Solution of Physics ProblemsGeorge Rawitscher, Victo dos Santos Filho, Thiago Carvalho PeixotoSpringer
45DIY MEMSDeborah MunroSpringer
46Some Unusual Topics in Quantum MechanicsPankaj SharanSpringer
47Quantum Theory at the CrossroadsBacciagaluppi/ValentiniCUP
48Spin in Particle PhysicsLeaderCUP
49Knots and Feynman DiagramsKreimerCUP
50Lectures on AstrophysicsWeinbergCUP
51Problems and Solutions in Quantum MechanicsTamvakisCUP
52Electromagnetic TheoryHeavisideCUP

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