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Mathematics & Computer Science

Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1A Concrete Introduction to Real Analysis, Second EditionCarlson , RobertTaylor &
2A First Course in Functional AnalysisShalit , Orr MosheTaylor &
3Abstract AlgebraMullen , Gary L.Taylor &
4Advanced Numerical Simulation MethodsBeer , GernotTaylor &
5An Introduction to Linear AlgebraAgarwal , Ravi P.Taylor &
6Big Data in Complex and Social NetworksThai , My T.Taylor &
7Mathematical Ideas in BiologySmithCUP
8Variational Problems in Differential GeometryBielawski/Houston/SpeightCUP
9Symmetry and Separation of VariablesMillerCUP
10Monopoles and Three-ManifoldsKronheimer/MrowkaCUP
11Synthetic Differential GeometryKockCUP
12The Hardy-Littlewood MethodVaughanCUP
13Low Dimensional TopologyFennCUP
14Partial Differential EquationsCopsonCUP
15Introduction to Measure and IntegrationTaylorCUP
16What is a Mathematical Concept?Elizabeth de Freitas; Nathalie Sinclair; Alf ColesCUP
17Lecture notes on calculus of variationsCHANG KUNG CHINGWorld Scientific
18Indian mathematics: engaging with the world from ancient to modern timesJOSEPH GEORGE GHEVERGHESEWorld Scientific
19Numerical differential equations: theory and technique, ode methods, finite differences, finite elements and collocationLOUSTAU JOHNWorld Scientific
20A Textbook Of Linear AlgebraDr. Thakur PrasadASAP
21Concepts In Engineering MathematicsSabita MahantaASAP
22Concepts In Measure TheoryMofidul IslamASAP
23Concepts in Probability TheoryDr. Rashmi RanaASAP
24Concepts In Vector AlgebraJ. K. KashyapASAP
25Concepts In Vector AnalysisRashmi RanaASAP
26Concepts In Vector CalculusK.N.P. SinghASAP
27Financial And Mathematicals Model In EconomicsDr. Shashi Kiran NayakASAP
28Fundamentals Of Vector AlgebraDr. Thakur PrasadASAP
29Introduction To Mathematical Methods In BioinformaticsJ.P. AgarwalASAP
30Teacher's Handbook Of Measurement And EvaluationKhan M. AbbasASAP
31Theory Of DiffractionGopal Krishan AgarwalASAP
32Linear AlgebraO'Lear
33Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers with Applications, Second Edition Volume TwoKoshyWiley
34Principles of continuum mechanicsZdenek MartinecSpringer
35Inverse Problems for Partial Differential Equations Victor IsakovSpringer
36Mathematical Statistics with Applications in RRamachandran, KandethodyElsevier
37Mathematical ModellingHaines, CElsevier
38Fractal Functions, Fractal Surfaces, and WaveletsMassopust, PeterElsevier
39Catalan NumbersStanleyCUP
40Introduction to Atmospheric ModellingSteynCUP
41The Cambridge Star AtlasTirionCUP
42Math in the Time of CoronaAlice wondersSpringer
43Boundary Integral EquationsGeorge C. Hsiao; Wolfganag L. WendlandSpringer
44Multidisciplinary Mathematical ModellingFrancesc Font; Tim G. MyersSpringer
45Combinatorics and Finite GeometrySteven T. DoughertySpringer
46Imagine Math 7Michele Emmer; Marco AbateSpringer
47The Natural Language for Artificial IntelligenceMotta Monte-Serrat, DioneiaElsevier
48Programming Mathematics using MATLABOberbroeckling, Lisa A.Elsevier
49Matrix MethodsBronson, RichardElsevier
50Galois Fields and Galois Rings Made EasyKibler, MauriceElsevier
51Sentiment AnalysisLiuCUP
52Python by ExampleLaceyCUP
53Social Media MiningZafarani; Abbasi;LiuCUP
54The Text Mining HandbookFeldman;SangerCUP
55Entropy and DiversityLeinsterCUP
56Python for ScientistsStewartCUP
57Advanced Functional AnalysisMalkowsky ,
Taylor & Francis
58Applied Differential Equations with Boundary Value
Dobrushkin , VladimirTaylor & Francis
59Introduction to CryptographyPadhye , SahadeoTaylor & Francis

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