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Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Atlas of Structural GeologySoumyajit MukherjeeElsevier
2Fault-Zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture DynamicsEiichi FukuyamaElsevier
3Geomorphological FieldworkThornbush, MaryElsevier
4Ground Penetrating Radar Theory and ApplicationsHarry M. JolElsevier
5Landslide Hazards Risks and DisastersDavies, TimElsevier
6Neotectonism in the Indian SubcontinentValdiya, K.S.Elsevier
7Disaster Preparedness and RehabilitationRajesh K. Yadav, Rajbir SinghASAP
8Disasters and Hazard ManagementP. NamboodripadASAP
9Encyclopaedia of Research Methodology in Earth Sciences and Atmospheric Sciences Volume-1Bhuwan KumarASAP
10Encyclopaedia of Research Methodology in Earth Sciences and Atmospheric Sciences Volume-2Bhuwan KumarASAP
11Fundamentals of GEOLOGYDr. Panna LalASAP
12GeophysicsAnnette BolgerASAP
13GPS Principles and ApplicationsA. GaneshASAP
14Handbook Of Disaster Management Volume-1Reepunjaya SinghASAP
15Handbook Of Disaster Management Volume-2Reepunjaya SinghASAP
16Natural DisasterRajesh K. YadavASAP
17Ore Geology and Mining GeologyJ.K. LalASAP
18Research Methodology and Techniques in GeologyDr. Panna LalASAP
19Basics Of Earth ScienceD. K. PANDEYASAP
20Introduction to GeologyS.K. SinghASAP
21Fundamentals Of Earth ScienceDr. Panna LalASAP
22Tectonic GeologyP. S. SaklaniASAP
23Rockslides and Rock Avalanches of Central AsiaStrom, AlexanderElsevier
24Indian ShieldPurohit, RiteshElsevier
25Geophysical Data AnalysisMenke, WilliamElsevier
26Structure and Tectonics of the Indian Continental Crust and Its Adjoining RegionTewari, HarishElsevier
27Mineral ExplorationHaldar, SwapanElsevier
28Problems and Solutions in Structural Geology and TectonicsBilli, AndreaElsevier
29Tectonic Setting and Gondwana Basin Architecture in the Indian ShieldAcharyya, SubhrangsuElsevier
30GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater ScienceVenkatramanan, SenapathiElsevier
31Big Data Mining for Climate ChangeZhang, ZhihuaElsevier
32Geological Evolution of the Earth During the PrecambrianV.P. Grudina; L.J. SalopSpringer
33Rock-forming Minerals in Thin SectionHans Pichler; Cornelia Schmitt- RiegrafSpringer
34The Rare Earth
J.H.L. VonckenSpringer
35The Geology and Mapping of Granite BatholithsJohn CobbingSpringer
36Petrogenesis and Experimental Petrology of Granitic RocksWilhelm Johannes; Francois HoltzSpringer
37Fundamentals of Invertebrate PalaeontologySreepat JainSpringer
38The Indian PaleogeneSunil Bajpai; Satish C. Tripathi; Vandana PrasadSpringer
39Mine WastesBernd LottermoserSpringer
40Applied StratigraphyEduardo A.M. KoutsoukosSpringer
41The Bengal DeltaI. IqbalSpringer
42Living FossilsN. Eldredge; S. M. StanleySpringer
43Advances in Soil ScienceD.L. Brakensiek; S.K. De Datta; T.J. Gish; W.J. Rawls; S.K. Sanyal; C.P. Schulthess; S.R. Smith; P.N. Soltanpour; D.L. SparksSpringer
44Geodynamics of Lithosphere & Earth’s MantleJaroslavaPlomerova; Robert C. Liebermann; Vladislav BabuskaSpringer
45Earth Sciences and ArchaeologyPaul Goldberg; Vance T. Holliday; C. Reid FerringSpringer
46Solid Waste Technology and ManagementThomas H. ChristensenWiley
47Structural Geology and Tectonics Field Guidebook — Volume 1Soumyajit MukherjeeSpringer
48Landslide hazards, risk and disasters, 2edTim DaviesElsevier
49GPS and GNSS Technology in GeosciencesPetropoulos, GeorgeElsevier
50Geophysics or Petroleum EngineersAminzadeh, FredElsevier
51Earthquakes and sustainable infrastructure: Neodeterministic (NDSHA) Approach Guarantees Prevention Rather than CureGiuliano PanzaElsevier
52Foraminiferal Micropaleontology for Understanding Earth's HistoryPratul SaraswatiElsevier
53Earth as an Evolving Planetary System,4eKent CondieElsevier
54Geological Structures and Maps: A Practical Guide, 4edLisle, RichardElsevier
55Shale GasDayal, AnurodhElsevier
56ArcGIS for Environmental and Water IssuesWilliam BajjaliSpringer
57A Cartographic Analysis of Soviet Military City PlansMartin DavisSpringer

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