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Electrical Engineering

Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Feature Extraction and Image Processing for Computer Vision 4eNixon, MarkElsevier
2Power ElectronicsFang Lin Luo; Hong YeTaylor & Francis
3FPGA-Based Embedded System Developer's GuideRaj , A. Arockia BazilTaylor &
4Energy-Efficient Electrical Systems for BuildingsKrarti , MoncefTaylor &
5Energy StorageRufer , AlfredTaylor &
6Smart GridsBorlase , StuartTaylor &
7FPGA-Based Embedded System Developer's GuideRaj , A. Arockia BazilTaylor & Francis
8Power Electronics in Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grid oBook WOL(PDF)BoseWiley
9Energy Harvesting Communications - Principles and TheoriesChenWiley
10Pulsewidth Modulated DC-to-DC Power Conversion: Circuits, Dynamics, and Control DesignsChoiWiley
11Microgrid Planning and Design - A Concise GuideFarhangiWiley
12Energy Harvesting Wireless CommunicationsHuangWiley
13Electrical Energy Storage for Buildings in Smart GridsRobynsWiley
14VSC-FACTS HVDC and PMU - Analysis, Modelling and Simulation in Power GridsAchaWiley
15Operation and Control of Renewable Energy SystemsAhmadWiley
16Internet of Things A to Z: Technologies and ApplicationsHassanWiley
17Grid-Integrated and Standalone Photovoltaic Distributed Generation Systems: Analysis, Design, and ControlZhaoWiley
18Advanced Multilevel Converters and Applications in Grid IntegrationMaswoodWiley
19Wave and Tidal EnergyGreavesWiley
20The Fundamentals of Electrical EngineeringHüning, FelixDe Gruyter
21Energy Harvesting for Wireless Sensor NetworksKanoun, OlfaDe Gruyter
22Low Power VLSI DesignSarkar, Angsuman / De, Swapnadip / Chanda, Manash / Sarkar, Chandan KumarDe Gruyter
23Trusted ComputingFeng, DengguoDe Gruyter
24IoT Security IssuesGilchrist, AlasdairDe Gruyter
25Power Systems & Smart EnergiesDerbel, Faouzi / Derbel, Nabil / Kanoun, OlfaDe Gruyter
26System and MeasurementsSang, YongDe Gruyter
27Practical Electrical EngineeringSergey N. Makarov, Reinhold Ludwig, Stephen J. BitarSpringer
28An Introduction to Machine LearningGopinath Rebala, Ajay Ravi, Sanjay
29Power Electronic Converters Modeling and ControlSeddik Bacha; Iulian Munteanu; Antoneta Iuliana
30Electrical Machine Fundamenta ls with Numerical Simulation using MATLAB/SI MULINKIqbalWiley
31Image Processing - Dealing with Texture2nd EditionPetrouWiley
32PID Control System Design and Automatic Tuningusing MATLAB/Si mulinkWangWiley
33Basic Electrical and Instrumentati on EngineeringSivaramanWiley
34Substrate- Integrated Millimeter- Wave Antennas for Next- Generation Communicat ion and Radar SystemsChenWiley
35Exergy Analysis for Energy Conversion SystemsMichaelidesCUP
36Energy HarvestingGeorgiadis;Collado;TentzerisCUP
37Photovoltaic Science and TechnologyRoy;BoseCUP
38A Learner’s Guide to Fuzzy Logic Systems, Second EditionK SundareswaranTaylor & Francis Learner’s Guide to Fuzzy Logic Systems, Second Edition
39Advanced Simulation of Alternative Energy : Simulation with Simulink® and SimPowerSystems™Viktor M. PerelmuterTaylor & Francis Simulation of Alternative Energy : Simulation with Simulink® and SimPowerSystems™
40Programming for Electrical EngineersSquire, JamesElsevier
41MATLAB® by ExampleGdeisat, MuntherElsevier
42Renewable EnergySorensen (Sorensen), BentElsevier
43Essential MATLAB for Engineers and ScientistsHahn, BrianElsevier
44Matrix Algorithms in MATLABHuo, TongruElsevier
45Transmission and Distribution Electrical EngineeringBayliss, ColinElsevier
46Microgrid: Operation, Control, Monitoring and ProtectionPapia Ray, Monalisa BiswalSpringer
47Radio Wave Propagation and Parabolic Equation ModelingGokhan ApaydinWiley
48Scaling Issues and Design of MEMSSalvatore BaglioWiley
49Transmission and Distribution Electrical EngineeringColin Bayliss, Brian HardyElsevier
50MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and ScientistsJ,King, AndrewElsevier
51Renewable EnergySorensen (Sorensen), BentElsevier
52Programmable Logic ControllersBolton, WilliamElsevier
53Heavy-duty Electric VehiclesArora, ShashankElsevier
54Op Amps for EveryoneCarter, BruceElsevier
55Digital Control EngineeringM. Sami Fadali, Antonio VisioliElsevier
56Electric Motors and DrivesHughes, AustinElsevier
57Feature Extraction & Image Processing for Computer VisionNixon, MarkAcademic press
58Electronics ExplainedFrenzel, LouisElsevier
59Machine LearningTheodoridis, SergiosElsevier
60Introduction to Applied Statistical Signal AnalysisRichard ShiaviElsevier
61Feature Extraction and Image Processing for Computer Vision 4eNixon, MarkElsevier
62Electric CircuitsNihal KularatnaASAP
63Electrical Power SystemM. DebASAP
64Electrical TechnologyAmit CharanASAP
65Electrical Equipment Handbook Troubleshooting, Maintenance And RepairHumphrey KramerASAP
66Electricity, Magnetism And ElectronicsDr. Sarita ShrivastavaASAP
67Control Methods For Electrical Machines: A HandbookGeorge B. BoyceASAP
68Electronic Devices And CircuitsEr. N.B.L MathurASAP
69Fundamentals Of Applied ElectronicsP. PrithviASAP
70Encyclopaedia Of Electrical EngineeringManoj JaiswalASAP
71Fundamentals Of ElectronicsSinhaASAP

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