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Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Richardo and Internationall TradeSenga , ShigeyoshiTaylor &
2The Economic Theory of CostsMcCaffrey , MathewTaylor &
3The Economics of Central BankingStracca , LivioTaylor &
4Women in Bussiness FamiliesJarna Heinonen; Kirsi Vainio-KorhonenTaylor &
5The Adam Smith Review : Volume 10Forman , FonnaTaylor &
6Health and WealthSzreterCUP
7International Trade and FinanceKenenCUP
8Growth and InequalityBarbosa/Cacciamali/RodgersCUP
9Microeconomic TheoryLee , Frederic S.Taylor & Francis
10Environmental EconomicsThampapillai , DodoTaylor & Francis
11Welfare EconomicsMcCain , Roger A.Taylor & Francis
12International Trade, Growth and DevelopmentBardhanWiley
13Environmental Economics and SustainabilityChi-ang LinWiley
14Decision Making Under UncertaintyKarni, EdiDe Gruyter
15Behavioral Economics and Its ApplicationsVartiainen, Hannu / Diamond, PeterDe Gruyter
16Lecture notes in state and local public finance (parts i and ii)YINGER JOHNWorld Scientific
17Economic crisis and rule reconstructionCHEN DEMINGWorld Scientific
18Analytical Political EconomyVenezianiWiley
19Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology ApplicationsShrivastavaWiley
20A Comparative Perspective of Women’s Economic
Yenilmez , MeltemTaylor & Francis
21Behavioral EconomicsCorr , PhilipTaylor & Francis
22Welfare EconomicsMcCain , Roger A.Taylor & Francis
23Socio-Economic EmpowermentPratap Pinjani, J N GovilASAP
24Economic Development In IndiaDr Suman Kalyan Chaudhury, Dr Sukanta SarkarASAP
25Recent Advances In Indian EconomyAngrej Singh RanaASAP
26Economics Of Gender And DevelopmentDr. A. RanjanASAP
27Economics of Social Sector and EnvironmentDr. Anwar ImamASAP
28Indian Economic PolicyDr. (Ms.) Ranjana SinghASAP
29Industrial EconomicsDr. Chandra P. SinghASAP
30Applied Statistics For EconomicsAshish J. DaveASAP
31Research Methodology and Techniques in EconomicsDr. Sanjeev Kumar SinghASAP
32Labour EconomicsA.K. SharmaASAP
33Money, Bank And Public FinanceDr. Gagandeo Prasad YadavaASAP
34Advanced Economics Of DevelopmentDr. Shankar SahASAP
35Economic Growthde La GrandvilleCUP
36Advances in Economics and EconometricsDewatripont;Hansen; TurnovskyCUP
38Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and ApplicationsKreps; WallisCUP
39Advances in Economic TheoryHildenbrandCUP
40The Financing of Foreign Direct Investment : A Study of the Determinants of Capital Flows in Multinational EnterprisesMartin G. GilmanBloomsbury Academic
41U.S. Foreign Policy and the New International Economic Order :Negotiating Global Problems, 1974-1981Robert K. OlsonBloomsbury Academic
42The Tyranny of UncertaintyNabil Abu el Ata; Rudolf SchmandtSpringer
43Big Data ManagementFausto Pedro Garcia Márquez; Benjamin LevSpringer
44Statistical Tools for Program EvaluationJean-Michel Josselin; Benoît Le MauxSpringer
45Lectures on Inequality, Poverty and WelfareAntonio VillarSpringer
46Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical ValuesBackhouse;Baujar;NishizawaCUP
47Rethinking Society for the 21st Century Vol.1IPSPCUP
48Rethinking Society for the 21st Century Vol.2IPSPCUP
49Advances in Economics and Econometrics Vol.1Honoré et alCUP
50Advances in Economics and Econometrics Vol.2Honoré et alCUP
51The Gravity Model in International Tradevan Bergeijk;BrakmanCUP
52The Economics of John Kenneth GalbraithDunnCUP
53Understanding Food InsecurityMaria SassiSpringer
54FDI, Technology and InnovationN. S. Siddharthan, K. NarayananSpringer
55A Course in Monetary Economics: Sequential Trade, Money, and UncertainityBenjamin EdenWiley
56Applied Econometrics Using the SAS(R) SystemVivek AjmaniWiley
57Handbook of Applied Econometrics Vol 1 – MacroeconomicsM. Hashem PesaranWiley
58Handbook of Applied Econometrics Vol 2 – MicroeconomicsM. Hashem PesaranWiley
59Political EconomyDaniel UsherWiley
60New methods for the arbitrage pricing theory and the present value modelMEI J PWorld Scientific

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