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Clinical Psychology

Sl. No.TitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Clinical Psychology for TraineesAndrew Page; Werner G K StrikzeCUP
2Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for AdolescentsSaltzman et alCUP
3The Neuropsychology of Mental IllnessStephen J. Wood;Nicholas B. Allen;Christos PanteliCUP
4A Guide to Asperger SyndromeGillbergCUP
5A Clinical Guide to Sleep Disorders in Children and AdolescentsStoresCUP
6Personality DisordersDowson/GroundsCUP
7Psychotherapy for Bipolar DisordersReinares/Martínez-Arán/VietaCUP
8Integrated Modular Treatment for Borderline Personality DisorderLivesleyCUP
9Emergency PsychiatryChanmugam/Triplett/KelenCUP
10Understanding TraumaKirmayer/Lemelson/BaradCUP
11Psychoeducation Manual for Bipolar DisorderColom/Vieta/ScottCUP
12Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and FamiliesGrahamCUP
13Suicide in Children and AdolescentsKing/ApterCUP
14Criminality and Violence among the Mentally DisorderedHodgins/JansonCUP
15Specific Learning Disabilities and Difficulties in Children and AdolescentsKaufman/KaufmanCUP
16Women’s HealthCasperCUP
17Psychiatry, Human Rights and the LawRoth/BluglassCUP
18Guide to Publishing in Psychology JournalsSternbergCUP
19Handbook of PsychophysiologyCacioppo; Tassinary; BerntsonCUP
20Spiritual Dimensions of AgeingJohnson;WalkerCUP
21Handbook of Research Methods in Social and Personality PsychologyReis; JuddCUP
22An Introduction to GerontologyStuart-HamiltonCUP
23Developmental PsychophysiologySchmidt; SegalowitzCUP
24Conducting Psychological Assessment – A Guide for Practitioners , 2nd EditionWrightWiley
25The WileyEncyclopedi a of Health PsychologyCohenWiley
26The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapyvan
27The functional analysis of BehaviorMichael Borg LaufsSpringer
28The making of a pandemicJohn EhrenreichSpringer
29Evidence-biased Antidepressant PrescriptionMichael P . HengartnerSpringer
30The reign of speechDries G.M. DullsterSpringer
31The complexity of psychopathy Jennifer E. VitaleSpringer
32Spirituality in Systemic Family Therapy Supervision and TrainingSuzanne M. CoyleSpringer
33Covid-19 and psychologyJohn G HassSpringer
34Substance use and misuse in sub-Saharan AfricaMagen Mhaka-MutepfaSpringer
35MacropsychologyMalcolm MacLachalan; Joanne Mc VeighSpringer
36Violence Against LGBTQ+ PersonsEmily M. Lund: Claire Burgess; Andy J. JohnsonSpringer
37Behavior analysis and substance dependenceSimone Martin Oliani; Richard Alecsander Reicher; Roberto Alves BanacoSpringer
38Body Dysmorphic Disorder – A Treatment ManualDavid VealeWiley
39The International Handbook of Suicide Prevention2eRory C. O’ConnorWiley
40The Wiley Handbook of Disruptive and Impulse-Control DisordersJohn E. LochmanWiley
41The Wiley International Handbook of Clinical SupervisionC. Edward WatkinsWiley
42Handbook of DSM-5 Disorders in Children and AdolescentsSam Goldstein; Melissa DeVriesSpringer
43Handbook of Developmental PsychopathologyMichael Lewis; Karen D. RudolphSpringer
44Handbook of MindfulnessRonald E. Purser; David Forbes; Adam BurkeSpringer
45Practitioner’s Guide to Evidence-Based PsychotherapyJane E. Fisher; William O’DonohueSpringer

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