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Sl. NoTitleAuthorPublisherURL/Doi
1Advances in Biomolecular MedicineHofstra , RobertTaylor &
2Data Analysis for the Life Sciences with RIrizarry , Rafael A.Taylor &
3A Guide to CancerJohn , MelfordTaylor &
4Human Population Genetics and GenomicsTempleton, AlanElsevier
5Ancestral DNA, Human Origins, and MigrationsHerrera, ReneElsevier
6Human Reproductive and Prenatal GeneticsLeung, Peter C. K.Elsevier
7Clinical Ethics at the Crossroads of Genetic and Reproductive TechnologiesHostiuc, Sorin Elsevier
8Precision Medicine and the Reinvention of Human DiseaseBerman, JulesElsevier
9Microbial Diversity in the Genomic EraDas, Surajit Elsevier
10Multivariate Analyses of Codon Usage BiasesLobry, JeanElsevier
11Diagnostic Molecular BiologyShen, Chang-HuiElsevier
12Clinical Genome SequencingTibben, Aad Elsevier
13Science Teaching EssentialsBrame, Cynthia JElsevier
14Fundamentals of Molecular Structural BiologyPal, Subrata Elsevier
15Quorum SensingTommonaro, Giuseppina Elsevier
16Mitochondrial MedicinePrasun, PankajElsevier
17Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker DiscoveryIssaq, Haleem JElsevier
18Clinical Precision MedicineCrabtree, JudyElsevier
19Rapid Detection of Infectious AgentsSteven Specter, Mauro Bendinelli, Herman FriedmanSpringer
20Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR): Prospects for Sustainable AgricultureR. Z. Sayyed, M. S. Reddy, Sarjiya AntoniusSpringer
21Disease Resistance in
Crop Plants
Shabir Hussain
22Microbiome in Plant Health and DiseaseVivek Kumar, Ram Prasad, Manoj Kumar, Devendra
K. Choudhary
23Metabolic Pathway
Pablo CarbonellSpringer
24Modern PrometheusKozubekCUP
25Trace Elements in PlantsStilesCUP
26Kew GardensHookerCUP
27Biological Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Their ApplicationsL. Karthik; A. Vishnu Kirthi; Shivendu Ranjan; V. Mohana SrinivasanTaylor & Francis
28Biologically Active Natural ProductsDebarshi Kar Mahapatra; Swati Gokul Talele; Tatiana G. Volova; A. K. HaghiTaylor & Francis
29Handbook of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyRoger L. Lundblad; Fiona M. MacdonaldTaylor & Francis
30Quantitative genetics and crop breedingThirugnanakumar,SNIPA
31Molecular markers and plant biotechnologyTomar,RSNIPA
32Environmental Epigenetics in Toxicology and Public HealthFry, RebeccaElsevier
33Biochemistry of Collagens, Laminins and ElastinKarsdal, MortenElsevier
34Emery and Rimon’s Principles and practice of medical genetics and genomicsPyeritz, ReedElsevier
35MetagenomicsNagarajan, MuniyandiElsevier
36Biotechnology of Microbial EnzymesBrahmachari, GoutamElsevier
37Clinical GenomicsKulkarni, ShashikantElsevier
38Animal BiotechnologyVerma, AshishElsevier
39Environmental BiotechnologyVallero, DanielElsevier
40Fungal Biomolecules - Sources, Applications and Recent DevelopmentsVijai Kumar GuptaWiley
41Identification of Pathogenic FungiColin K. CampbellWiley
42Medical Genomics, Second EditionStuart M. BrownWiley
43Molecular Principles of Fungal PathogenesisJoseph HeitmanWiley
44Understanding the gut microbiotaGerald W. TannockWiley
45Structure and Function of the Bacterial GenomeDorma nWiley
46Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria of Animal OriginAarestrupWiley
47Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics - From Molecules to ManBonevWiley
48Chemical Biology of the GenomeRoy , SiddharthaElsevier
49Genome Engineering via CRISPR-Cas9 SystemSingh, VijaiElsevier
50Gene Environment InteractionsSmith, MoyraElsevier
51MicrobiomicsKambouris, ManousosElsevier
52Purification and Characterization of Secondary MetabolitesCrowley, Thomas Elsevier
53Structural Biology in ImmunologyPutterman, ChaimElsevier

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