Access to Mizoram University e-Library is Live!!! 

Services Provided by Library

  • Lending – Automated Circulation system using dual technologies of RFID and Electro Magnetic (EM).
  • Reprographic, Printing, Lamination, Spiral binding & Passport size photograph.
  • Computerized Braille system for Blind students.
  • Library orientation programme for fresh students every year.
  • Computerized bibliographic Catalogue search facility is provided throughout the campus using WebOPAC.
  • RFID Patron self check facility (Self service).
  • Access and download facility is provided for CD/DVD contents from WebOPAC.
  • Access to e-resources.
  • Access to Institutional Repository of electronic theses.
  • SMS & e-mail alert system for every transaction to the users i.e.  issue, return, renewal, etc of books with necessary information. For overdue books, reminder will be send to the user along with the fine amount.
  • Provision of Utility basket for carrying small personal items and a couple of books inside library

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